The best cappuccino ever...
I have been wanting to write about this tale for a while now, but I have been putting it off. Ok, you might want to read this twice, since it might be a bit confusing. It combines 2 trips and our home town Maastricht. So bear with me...I started dating, back then my girlfriend and today my wife, Sabine in January 2013. Six weeks in our relationship I asked Sabine if she wants to go to Porto with me. - How it all came about to go to Porto in the first place, is because of my big brother. My brother was in Porto at that time for a project and I asked him if it was ok go visit him. We stayed at the same hotel as my brother did. -Sabine said yes and we flew to Porto for 3 days to visit my brother. The day we got to Porto my brother gave us a brief tour of the city. The next morning as my brother had to go to work, Sabine and I went out early in the morning to discover Porto. We wondered the city and bought 2 tickets for a bus tour through the city. We missed the bus and decided to go get something to drink. Across the street from the bus stop there was this place where we could buy a coffee and wait for the next bus. We ordered 2 cappuccinos and we looked for a place to sit. An old lady behind the counter prepared our cappuccinos and a gentleman brought them to us.
The best cappuccino ever. Porto 2013 - My beautiful wife enjoying her cappuccino
The cappuccino tasted amazing. You could still taste the richness of the coffee. The coffee was not soften by the foamy milk. The spoon rested peacefully on the foamy milk. It was the best cappuccino we ever had. Or is it?I am not a coffee expert. I drink mostly cappuccino with Sabine when we are out and about in the city or after dinner at a restaurant. But I can tell when something has good flavour. And this cappuccino had an amazing taste.In September of that same year (2013) we decided to go to Sicily. We spent 5 days in Trapani and 5 days in Palermo. We had a great time and we had some cappuccino also, but there were not as good as the one in Porto. Oh I almost forgot; the food was spectacular!Since that cappuccino in Porto Sabine and I are comparing every cappuccino we drink to the one we had in Porto. Till this day we are not able to experience the same taste. Sabine and I are also contemplating the theory of - "Maybe it was the combination of everything that made the cappuccino taste so good". I don't know, like I said I know when something tastes good. Valentines day 2017 - Sabine and I took the day off from work and went for a walk in Maastricht. We had lunch at an Italian place in the city and afterwards we decided to walk to the car. As we were approaching the car we walked past a place that got my attention. I saw chairs, tables, wine bottles, and Italian Parmesan cheese through the window. I said to Sabine lets go inside and take a look. We met the owner Marco, a very friendly young Italian entrepreneur driven to take his business to the next level with good quality food. Marco offered to poor us some coffee, but unfortunately we declined since we had to pick up our son from the daycare. Sabine and I said that we will come back to try the food. And so we did...
Toscanella Apuana brought Porto and Sicily together for us. The coffee, specially the cappuccino, is amazing. The food is authentic Italian food with fresh ingredients. Since we've discovered Toscanella Apuana, we go there on a regular basis. (almost on a weekly basis)Maastricht 2017 - Toscanella Apuana; waiting for our food while enjoying an amazing cup of CappuccinoSo what makes it the best product someone? Maybe it is a combination of good memories and making the best of life...