All dressed up for a Hamburger
It has been a while since I have blogged, but trust me you are going to like this one…
Ok, here it goes. For my birthday last year my wife invited me to dinner to this new “restaurant” she discovered in the city center. She got all dressed up and so did I. We got into the car and drove to the center. We were not getting on the bicycles all dressed up.
On our way to this new “restaurant” my wife told me that it is a hamburger restaurant. I know the city center pretty well, and I have yet to see a hamburger restaurant. When we got there we realised that this wasn’t a “restaurant”, considering what one would expect a restaurant to be. We both started laughing after realising how “overdressed” we all were.
The Hamburger joint is called Patty ‘n Bun and it is located in the heart of the city of Maastricht . I looked at the menu and saw all these burgers with very cool names that I never heard of before. I forgot all about the overdressed part and started analysing the menu card. I made my choice; a California Love Burger and a Chilly Cheese Fries. My wife had an Original Burger with fries and the same for our son.
We placed our order and we received a black device with a number on it. It looked like a big hockey pod. We were told that when it goes off that our order would be ready. I started to check out the place. Retro tables with colorful metal chairs. One side of the establishment is covered by mirrors, with a wide enough wooden beam / stud - laminated - that serves as a “table” with colorful high metal chairs. At the entrance a high table with the same colorful high metal chairs facing and looking outside a huge window. More to the back a wall covered in iconic posters / pictures.
The kitchen, where the magic happens, clean. You are able to see how your burger is being prepared. The SMELL; Authentic like a real burger joint should smell - MEATY!!
Suddenly the hockey pod device went off, the burgers were ready. I stood up and walked to the counter to pick up our orders. Three metal service dishes and on them the burgers and fries were plated in baskets. Perforating the burgers from top to bottom, a KNIFE! When I looked at my burger, the first thing I thought was; how on earth is this going to fit in my mouth?! My wife’s eyes got big when she saw her burger, and I could see that she was thinking the same thing.
I managed to eat it all, and trust me that when I was done eating I was so full that I didn’t have to eat for 2 days.
Since than I get my burgers at Patty ‘n Bun. If you are a burger lover, and you happened to be in Maastricht go try it you! You will not regret it..
The best Burger in the world #pttynbun
Patty n Bun - Handcrafted burgers since 2016